Privacy policy
The present Data Protection Policy regulates the processing of personal details provided by the User through the interior design professional services website, available to the Internet users.
The present Data Protection Policy regulates the processing of personal details provided by the User through the interior design professional services website, available to the Internet users.
As a general rule, the use of the website does not demand the disclosure of personal data from the User as a prerequisite. However, in those cases where the User provides their personal data to Traza Furniture S.L., the company guarantees to keep them confidential and to comply with the aforementioned regulations —or any complementary or substitute ones— adopting the necessary technical security measures in order to keep the required security level.
The information requested by Traza Furniture S.L. or provided by the User will be treated in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679 by the European Parliament and Council and will be used for the following purposes:
Purpose of the user’s personal data handling:
Traza Furniture S.L. handles the information provided by the User with the purpose of informing about the latest news regarding interior design and about new projects, sending estimates, information required by the User and blog entries. Likewise, Traza Furniture S.L. may send information of interest for the User via the provided email address.
The consent relative to the remittance of these communications can be revoked by the User at any time using the mechanism provided for this purpose.
Traza Furniture S.L. will create a commercial profile according to the information provided.
Traza Furniture S.L. guarantees the fulfilment of the data protection regulation as well as the implementation of the security measures set out in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679 by the European Parliament and Council.
The User shall make proper use of this website and its services in accordance with the present terms and conditions of use and with the existing legislation.
Traza Furniture S.L. may unilaterally amend the terms and condition of use of this website by the publication of this legal notice, which will come into force from the moment of its publication. The amendment may be personally reported to the registered users in case it entails a change in the established conditions with regard to their condition of user.
The User undertakes that the provided information is truthful, accurate, complete and updated, being responsible for any loss or damage, direct or indirect, that may arise as a result of the breach of this obligation. In the event that the data provided belong to a third party, the User guarantees to have informed the third party about the issues contained in this document and obtained permission to submit their information to Traza Furniture S.L. for the specified purposes.
This website may offer the option to share content via third party applications such as Facebook or Twitter. These applications may collect and manage information regarding the User navigation in the different websites. Any personal information collected through such applications may be used by third users and are governed by the privacy policies of the companies that offer such applications.
The owner responsible for the User data handling is Traza Furniture S.L.
Traza Furniture S.L. does not assume any liability for and does not guarantee the uninterrupted availability of the website or that the information is error-free. Traza Furniture S.L. will not be held liable for any consequence, damage or prejudice that may arise of said access, including but not limited those caused by the computer systems or provoked by the introduction of a virus.
Traza Furniture S.L. does not assume any liability for the damages that can be caused to the User due to the inappropriate use of the website. In particular, it’s not responsible in any way for network interruptions, failures or defects that may occur during the navigation.
Data storage:
The provided personal information will be kept for the time required to meet the User’s request or as long as the User does not seek the rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition or portability through the e-mail address or the mailing address Pere IV, 29-35, 1º 4ª, 08018 – Barcelona.
Moreover, the data shall be kept even after the User seeks their rights pursuit to law obligations.
Traza Furniture S.L. undertakes to maintain the confidentiality of the information provided by the User. The data may only be transferred in case of a business relationship to a banking institution, public organism or other entity necessary to provide the service.
User rights:
The User has the right to get information about whether Traza Furniture S.L. processes personal data related to him/her and to access their personal data, request the correction of inaccurate data or, when applicable, request their suppression when the information is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected.
In certain circumstances, the User may request the limitation of their data processing, in which case they will be kept only to fulfil the legal obligations.
The User may ask the questions he/she deem convenient regarding the present policy, as well as exercise their rights under the terms provided by law, by sending a communication to the e-mail address, indicating the corresponding request accompanied by a copy of the DNI or document establishing identity.
In the case the User doesn’t obtain satisfaction in the executing of their rights, he/she may file a complaint of rights protection to the Spanish Data Protection Agency through its electronic office.
Industrial and Intellectual Property:
The web domain is the property of Traza Furniture S.L. The whole website, including design, structure, distribution, answers to the users’ enquiries, texts, content, logotypes, buttons, images, drawings, source code, documents, all the intellectual and industrial property rights and any other distinctive sign are the property of Traza Furniture S.L.
It is expressly forbidden the reproduction, transformation, distribution, communication, public disclosure or any other exploitation of the same without the written permission of the holder. For this purpose, the interested party shall contact the entity owner of the rights.
Traza Furniture S.L. reserves the right to take the appropriate legal actions against any user who violate or infringe the industrial and intellectual property rights.
Competent jurisdiction:
For the resolution of any query, disagreement or conflict that may arise concerning the interpretation, execution or fulfilment of the present policy the User expressly undertakes to appear before the Courts or Tribunals of the city of Barcelona, without prejudice to the competence resulting by operation of law and renouncing to any other authority that may correspond to them.
Informing about the services carried out by Traza Furniture, display of products, promotions and blog.
Consent of the interested party.
Individuals and companies.
Access, correction, suppression and portability of the data.